(FT08) (INCYBER) How to prepare your budget for NIS 2

(FT08) (INCYBER) How to prepare your budget for NIS 2

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 11:40 AM to 11:55 AM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)


The NIS 2 directive will affect many entities and the associated security measures are expected to be numerous. In light of the European text and the ongoing national transposition work, Advens will share its advice and methodology for building the budget that will be necessary for NIS 2 compliance. •How to identify the projects to be launched? •What are the pitfalls to avoid when implementing solutions? •How to anticipate deadlines and prepare serenely? A workshop that will get to the heart of the matter to help you anticipate the arrival of NIS 2!
Type d'intervention
Talks InCyber
InCyber Talks area

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