(C16) (FIC) Sopra Steria - The Hybrid CERT: find (finally) the reinforcements you need!

(C16) (FIC) Sopra Steria - The Hybrid CERT: find (finally) the reinforcements you need!

Thursday, April 6, 2023 1:45 PM to 2:15 PM · 30 min. (Europe/Paris)
Salles 3.8 Lounge


The threat is increasing but your resources to respond are stagnant? You need to set up a CERT or CSIRT but you don't have the resources, either skills or tools? What is certain is that you have the knowledge of your organization's business. With Sopra Steria's Hybrid CERT, you have access to the necessary strike force to respond to cyber attacks, while helping your in-house teams to develop their skills, particularly in managing response teams. How can you best combine your specific knowledge with Sopra Steria's industrialized services? Discover the common framework to be implemented for the management of major incidents during this conference!

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