(T30) (FIC) SentinelOne - Accelerating Your Cloud Security with Workload Protection

(T30) (FIC) SentinelOne - Accelerating Your Cloud Security with Workload Protection

Thursday, April 6, 2023 2:20 PM to 2:35 PM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)
Espace Fic Talk


As more organizations make the shift towards hybrid and cloud environments, security teams need to keep their cloud workloads safe from cyber threats. Cloud services offer organizations a scalability that isn’t possible with on-premise infra as well as a boost to efficiency; however, the shift also comes with unique considerations when it comes to security. Cloud requires organizations to secure containers, virtual machines, serverless workloads and Kubernetes whether the cloud is public, private, or a hybrid of both. While the cloud has hugely supported a modern, digital means of collaboration and operation, its adoption also adds cyber risks. Organizations can mitigate these risks by implementing a holistic security strategy.

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