(T23) (FIC) Wavestone - CyberBenchmark: how mature are the large organizations?

(T23) (FIC) Wavestone - CyberBenchmark: how mature are the large organizations?

Thursday, April 6, 2023 11:00 AM to 11:15 AM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)
Espace Fic Talk


Are you interested in learning about the level of cybersecurity maturity of French organizations? Do you want to gain insight into the state of cybersecurity in your sector? Discover the financial and human investments made in cyber, and identify areas of priority for improvement? Join us for our FIC Talk on Thursday, April 6th, where Wavestone will present an analysis of the cybersecurity maturity of French organizations using its CyberBenchmark. Our analysis is based on over a hundred compliance assessments conducted in the last three years, following NIST and ISO standards, and involving more than three million users.

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