PL43 - Protection of personal information: what are my legal obligations?

PL43 - Protection of personal information: what are my legal obligations?

Thursday, October 26, 2023 11:00 AM to 11:15 AM · 15 min. (Canada/Eastern)


This presentation will be in English.

Learn more about Act 25 and the obligations that apply to you! September 22, 2023 marks the coming into force of certain provisions of this law modernizing private sector privacy legislation. This reform modernizes the rules protecting personal information in Quebec so that they are better adapted to the new challenges posed by the current digital and technological environment. The new rules bring with them new responsibilities and challenges for organizations. Looking for a trusted partner to help you? Necando Solutions assists organizations of all sizes in implementing policies, operational processes, training, and solutions to help them comply with the law, and promote and develop a data privacy culture within their organization.