C19 - Measuring and evaluating users and Third Party risks

C19 - Measuring and evaluating users and Third Party risks

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 2:20 PM to 2:50 PM · 30 min. (Canada/Eastern)


In today's interconnected digital landscape, the cyber risks facing businesses are more complex than ever. Traditional attack vectors are being protected by always evolving technologies that automate defenses. But what about the hidden and more obfuscated domains, like user awareness and Third Party Management? Cyber Security Leaders have a challenge to understand the risk levels and gaps in the abilities of their vendors to protect against cyber threats, and the knowledge level of their Users. Which is why bad actors are using these trusted channels to attack companies. Join RiskRecon and Awee as we discuss why it is hyper critical to not only understand whether users or vendors are taking steps to protect one's company, but also to measure the ability to improve and meet future demands/goals. Awee helps to illuminate the blind spots in User awareness capabilities, but also measure the gaps in their learning. RiskRecon provides more than just Vulnerability reports, we highlight risks in the posture and provide an easy way to measure performance of the vendor supply chain's efficacy around risk posture and maintenance of their ecosystem.
