(T04) (CFI) NIS2 - Leveraging internal regulatory compliance to replicate it in service offerings

(T04) (CFI) NIS2 - Leveraging internal regulatory compliance to replicate it in service offerings

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 1:50 PM to 2:05 PM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)


More than simply increasing the number of companies subject to NIS1, the NIS2 directive recognises the need to protect all major and essential European organisations from cyber threats. This ambitious new step may appear to be a hindrance to the performance of its commercial activities, or even give rise to concern about the risk of not meeting compliance requirements. Schneider Electric aims to transfer its expertise to all the entities in its value chain in order to meet this challenge. Its approach is based on a mature posture based on recognised international standards, a risk management programme, and a range of services developed from NIS1 onwards to help customers achieve compliance in a way that is adapted to each EU Member State.
Type d'intervention
Théâtre Marie Curie
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