(T12) (CFI) API Protection, the new challenge for enterprises

(T12) (CFI) API Protection, the new challenge for enterprises

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 2:55 PM to 3:10 PM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)


In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, APIs have become the backbone of modern business operations, enabling seamless data exchange and functionality integration across diverse systems. However, with this increased reliance on APIs comes a new and critical challenge for enterprises – ensuring the protection of these interfaces against a myriad of security threats. This presentation delves into the emerging complexities surrounding API security and explores the evolving landscape of cyber threats that specifically target APIs. We will cover how F5 solutions protect APIs, such as F5 Distributed Cloud, BIG-IP and NGINX, and also present new acquisitions in order to protect the full API development lifecycle (shift left, shield right)
Type d'intervention
CFI demo area