(DT08) (ID&KYC) Digital onboarding: how to secure end-to-end customer relationship management?

(DT08) (ID&KYC) Digital onboarding: how to secure end-to-end customer relationship management?

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 10:35 AM to 11:05 AM · 30 min. (Europe/Paris)
ID&KYC Village


Seamless and fluid onboarding VS remote identification. Two notions that are sometimes contradictory, yet essential to the success of digital onboarding. That's why Certigna's GOBAL AL XP platform offers reliable, intuitive identity verification and document control solutions for easy use by everyone. Through a concrete demonstration, discover how Certigna helped an aeronautics company transform its customer journey through the digital age.
Type d'intervention
Technical Demonstrations
ID&KYC Forum demo area