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Forum InCyber Amérique du Nord - Montréal 2023

Organized by

With the support of


The Forum InCyber is an event that combines the characteristics of a marketplace and a place for debate, similar to the forums of ancient Rome.

Held twice a year, alternately in Europe and America, the InCyber Forum plays a key role as a platform for all initiatives aimed at building a trusted digital society.

The theme of this edition will be "human at the heart of digital trust". This event will bring together the Canadian, European and American ecosystems and will welcome delegations from around the world. In keeping with the essence of the European InCyber Forum, this edition will include a summit, a forum and a business fair. The participation of many decision makers is expected, such as cybersecurity project managers (CISOs, CIOs, SOC/CERT managers), experts and operational specialists, managers and political actors.

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