(T41) (FIC) JAMF - Pennylane's winning strategy: Using Jamf to protect Macs in a Google environment

(T41) (FIC) JAMF - Pennylane's winning strategy: Using Jamf to protect Macs in a Google environment

Friday, April 7, 2023 1:20 PM to 1:35 PM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)
Espace Fic Talk


Dive into the future of accounting with Pennylane, the first platform to bring together production software for accountants and financial management tools for their clients. But with sensitive financial data at stake, security is the top priority. How is Pennylane meeting the challenges of data and device protection? This exclusive testimonial will highlight how Jamf helps Pennylane ensure data security, all within a Mac fleet on a Google environment: managing Google identities on the Mac, preventing and detecting cyber attacks, CIS compliance...Join us to find out how Pennylane is positioning itself as a leader in secure accounting.

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