(T18) (FIC) Sopra Steria - Data protection in the Cloud or how to ensure the sovereignty of its encryption keys

(T18) (FIC) Sopra Steria - Data protection in the Cloud or how to ensure the sovereignty of its encryption keys

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 4:40 PM to 4:55 PM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)
Espace Fic Talk


As organisations become more reliant on cloud services, the risk of a privacy breach or data corruption increases. Ensuring effective protection of one's data throughout its lifecycle in the cloud is critical to using it with trust. In particular, data encryption is an effective way to protect sensitive data in the cloud and even limit the impact of a data breach. All encryption relies on using cryptographic keys that must be securely managed throughout their lifecycle. Learn more about Sopra Steria and Entrust's solutions for managing and protecting encryption keys and and the integration of these solutions with cloud service providers.

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